Resources of Department

Master’s Research Room  (B612、B939)

Air-conditions, Desks, Chairs, Bookcase, Computers, Printers, Scanners

Department’s Office (B1013)

Computers, Printers


Theses, Journals, Dissertations, Textbooks


Office 2003 Pro, FrontPage 2003, SharePoint Designer 2007, Office Professional Plus 2016, Microsoft Office 2010, Microsoft Office Mac 2008, Microsoft Office Mac 2011, Office Mac 2016, Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 professional, Visual Studio 2013, Visual Studio 2015 professional, Office 2013 Multilanguage Pack(Language), Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Visual Studio 2005 PRO, Visual Studio 2008, Windows Vista Enterprise UPG, SAS9.3。

(Students of department of IB can use student ID card to borrow the software from the department’s office. Please return all checked out items within 3 days. If it is not returned by the due date, it is considered overdue and is subject to overdue fines. Late return of software will be charged NTD$10 overdue fines for each item per day. The fines will be cumulated until the late item returned to department office.)